Can I build a functional class for the Myzone software?

Build functional classes in the Admin Portal by clicking 'Classes>Class Creator. Name your class and check the 'Functional' box.


Functional classes gamify exercise with the additional guidance of the exercise name or description displayed on the screen, in addition to the suggested target zone and timers. These classes work well when all class members are doing the same exercise in a class. Unlike Zone Match Classes, Functional Classes will not display a zone match score.

NOTE: You will need either Owner or Coach permission to create classes on the backend for your club. 

 1. Log into your Myzone account at and access Classes from your admin portal.

2. Click on Class Creator. 

3. If you would like to organize classes into folders, create a new folder. If not, click on the green plus sign to create a new class. 

4. Name your class and check the box next to "Functional" and begin building your class. 


5. To add your created segment to the class and continue building, click on the green plus on the right hand side of the segment. 


6. After completing your class, click on the green check mark checkmark found at the bottom of the class to save -- TIP: if check mark is not available at the bottom of the class, check to make sure your class is named at the top of the page!

7.  Once you have created your class from your admin portal, check out this quick video that will show you how to play the class in your software.

Class Button Overview


Video: How to Create a Functional Class