Can I edit my members' biometric data?

Typos happen to the best of us and have an impact on zone and calorie calculation. You can edit date of birth, gender, weight, or units by which their height and weight are measured on the Myzone Users tab of the Admin Portal.

Members do not have the ability to edit date of birth or gender. You can also direct them to our Customer Care Team for help. To edit form them, search their name and tap the edit icon.

If a member states that their calorie burn is wildly off the mark, always check the weight and units. They can also edit both of these metrics on the app under the Me tab.  

To edit click in the gray box next to the field that needs editing. Once you have made changes, a green check will appear at the bottom of the editing screen. Click that to save your changes. 

Click the red X when you are ready to close the editing view.