Can I hide member tiles in the Myzone software?

Yes, click or tap anywhere on the screen to access the menu, then tap "Belts in Range." You can also adjust your software settings to automatically hide all tiles and check in participants that should be on the display.

Belts in Range and Auto Show Tiles are the two Myzone Software features that ensure your display shows only class participants and excludes tiles from other areas. 

Belts in Range

Belts in range allows you to hide or display any tiles that your Myzone receiver detects.

  • Hiding a member's tile on one screen will not prevent them from showing on others.
  • Hiding a tile will not cause data loss. 
  • Tap anywhere on the screen to access the main menu of the software, then tap on Belts in Range. 


  • Tap the name of the member to hide. A red square will appear next to their name to indicate that their tile is no longer on the screen.


  • At the bottom right corner, click the green square to show all tiles, or red square to remove them.


Belts in Range During Class Mode

When a class is playing on the Myzone software and there are tiles on the screen, the following options display for each tile in Belts in Range:

  • Red square: Removes live tile off the screen completely.
  • Green square: live tile remains on the screen, but is not part of the class. They will not be included in class reports or receive a class summary email. The feature is typically used when people arrive late to class. 
  • Green square with a computer: live tile remains on the screen and part of the class. They will be included in class reports and receive a class summary email. 


Auto Show Tiles

This feature automatically displays movers' tiles on the screen and is enabled by default. When this feature is turned off, all tiles are hidden, and  club staff will check members onto the screen using Belts in Range.

It is a good idea to keep Auto Show Tiles off in group exercise studios, or any training spaces where only class participants should be included on that screen. Instructors can check in members joining their session while keeping all other tiles hidden.  

Tap anywhere on the software to access your main menu, then tap on Unlock Admin. Type in your admin password (owner), then tap on Settings. 


Tap on Tile Settings then check the Auto Show Tiles option on or off. 


Include Tiles in Class

Find this setting on the menu under 'Class Settings.' 

  • When this option is turned OFF: you will manually check members into class through Belts in Range.
  • When this is turned ON: will automatically include all tiles in class.
