How do I create groups in the Myzone software?

Tap on the Myzone display screen to access the menu and taps Belts in range. Tap Groups at the bottom left ccorner of the screen.


The Live Group Creator allows you to organize Movers into groups, creating an easy way to move them through different stations. Each group is labeled with a number. This feature works best for predesigned classes to guide participants through the class exercises.  


To get started, tap anywhere on the Myzone screen to access the main menu, then tap on Belts in Range. Tap on Groups at the bottom left corner of the screen. 


Next to groups, type how many groups you wish to display on the screen.

There are 2 ways to assign labels in the live display:

1) Enter the number of groups then tap the green randomizer to assign movers to the groups.


2) Manually assign members into groups. 

With your wireless keyboard, or on the touchscreen, tap and drag the member under the desired group number. Tap the red arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen to return to the main display.
