How to Set Up Smart Station

Our Customer Care Team will set up Smart Station to ensure success. You will need to schedule a call with them. Before your call, consider your physical space, exercises for each station and how to label each station. 

Our Customer Care Team will set up your Smart Stations to ensure success. You will need to schedule a call with them here.


Your account manager will help you get started with building your classes in the admin portal. If you are not sure who chat with, we can look that up for you (either send us an email to or try messaging using the chat bubble at the bottom of this screen). 

Before your call

Consider Your Stations & Class Structure 

Think about:

  • Exercises can be performed at each Station based on equipment placed there. 
  • How you would like to lable your stations (numbers are easiest)
  • How the groups will rotate from station to station. 
  • Create physical labels for your stations. You can have these attached before you set-call, or do this with our support team as well. 

In the example below, each screen is numbered 1-5.

  • Screen #3 is the primary PC- this is where you will launch and control the class.
  • The other stations--1,2,4,5, are controlled by the Primary PC.
