MZ-Instruct FAQ's

Answers to important set-up and usage questions for our popular video-based exercise tutorials.

Q: What is MZ-Instruct?

MZ-Instruct provides video-based exercise tutorials that also prescribe zones for each exercise. Participants will know exactly what zone they should be in by the color highlighting the exercise. It brings a new dynamic to a class, promoting engagement with the Myzone screen while allowing the instructor to  focus on form and class motivation.


Q: Do I need to purchase an additional Myzone System or other equipment to use MZ-Instruct?
No, if you already have a Myzone system, you have what you need to start using MZ-Instruct!


Q: Are MZ-Instruct classes created by the gym or pre-formatted by Myzone? 

It is fully customizable. Classes are designed by gym instructors and coaches who choose the exercises, determine the zones, text on the screen, and other style options. 


Q: How can I get MZ-Instruct for my facility?

Please contact the Myzone team to enable this feature. You can either contact your Account Manager or technical support champions at


Q: How much does MZ-Instruct cost?
It is included in your current monthly license fee.

Q: Are there any set-up instructions?
Yes, you can locate instructions in the article: MZ-Instruct Classes


Q: Can I use 3rd party video libraries for MZ-Instruct?
Yes--instruct your video supplier to email Myzone support at to give permission to use their videos. Our team will take care of the rest and the additional videos will then be available in the MZ-Instruct library along with Myzone's video options. 

Q: Can I create my own MZ-Instruct video content?

Yes! The cost is £500 GBP/$650 USD per upload.  Since the cost is the same if it is one video of several It is best for clubs to send them as a complete library.  It should take approximately 1 week (7 working days) from the date of submission.

The requirements for the videos are as follows:
1. File type: MP4  

2. Record the content at 1280 x 720p

4. Max video bit rate: 3800kpbs

5. The audio track must be removed or silent. 

6. The File name should be the exercise name as you would like it to appear on the screen.

7. Duration should be less than 30 seconds.

7. Videos should be shot in landscape mode for optimal appearance.

8. Make all edits prior to submitting your video. Adjustments to background, lighting or
color cannot be made after submission .

9. After you have created your videos, please email the shareable link where your videos are
stored to your Business Development Representative (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

Q: Is there a way clubs can duplicate a class to the entire club estate?
Yes, at the bottom of the class, you have the option to share the class with another facility code. You must have owner access to the facility codes with which you want to share the class.

Q: Can you change the background color for a class on the screen?
You can choose between a black or white background. In the software, click to access the menu, then select Display Setting -> Theme.

Q: Can I create classes that run all day?
Yes, you can set a class for daily rotation. On the owner page, select Classes->Class Schedule-> 'Repeating Classes.' For more information, check out How to set up Repeating Classes in your Software.

Visual Learner? This video will guide you through MZ-Instruct set-up.