Where can I view and manage MZ-Open Subscriptions?

In the Facility Profile section of your Admin Portal. Click the MZ-Open tile to view and manage subscriptions.

Where can I see who I will be billed for each month? 

You are billed on the 1st of each month for the members who activated a subscription the previous month. Your monthly invoice will report the total number of activated subscriptions. View a list of new subscribers from the Admin Portal's Facility Profile page. Click the dropdown arrow for 'Filter by month' to view the members that activated MZ-Open.  

Open Subscription ReportWhat If I don't want someone to auto-renew? 

All members are signed up to automatically renew by default. If someone leaves your facility, you can unsubcribe them by clicking the auto-renew box to deselect it. 

How do I cancel a member's MZ-Open Subscription? 

When you cancel someone, they will immediately lose access to all Myzone features through Apple or Android watch. It will also remove them from your billing renewal cycle. 

To cancel a member's MZ-Open subscription  immediately, open the Facility Profile tab on the Admin Portal, search for the member name by pressing Ctrl + F on your keyboard. Click the "cancel subscription" button, and confirm you would like to remove access and terminate billing.